Some of the most delicate, high-value artwork is displayed and shipped around the world daily. Museums, galleries, auction houses, and fine art collectors procure fire art policies to ensure the artwork is insured during shipping or simply when the artwork may be at risk during exhibition. Premier Insurance Services’ adjusters have experience in all areas of fine art paintings, sculptures, collectibles, and antiques.

We recently investigated damage to a multi-million dollar painting and determined the time, place, and cause of loss.  The owner claimed that a local (New York) cargo delivery service caused the damage.  However, we obtained information to establish that the art work was damaged.


When appropriate, we work with conservators and restorers to restore damaged art-work.



We also regularly conduct security surveys for art galleries, dealers, museums, exhibitions and private collections. During our survey of the gallery below, we noticed a substantial risk of water damage when items are left directly on the floor.






If you would like to submit an assignment for a Fine Art claim or survey, have a general question regarding Fine Art Insurance, or would like an introduction to a Fine Art broker